PTFA Christmas Fair

On Friday 2nd December, the PTFA organised and led their annual Christmas fair to raise funds for the school and give the children wonderful fun and festive afternoon.
A range of games and stalls filled the hall along with festive music and cheer! It was a wonderful afternoon full of fun and laughter. Every child attended the fair to join in the fun. Stalls included guess the number of chocolate tombola, sweets in a jar, pin the nose on, play your cards right, key in a box, raffle, lucky dip and more! Yummy refreshments for one and all!
Thank you so much to all the PTFA helpers - we all really appreciate the support. We also thank Year 6 children who were excellent stallholders - using their SECRET skills to take responsibility and lead the team. Well done one and all.
The fair raised £556.69 for school funds and the School Council raised £25.20 for their charity the RSPCA.