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  • 15/10/24

    Farm and Country Workshops

    On Monday 14th October, Jo from the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association visited Dobwalls.  All classes learnt a lot and really enjoyed the workshops, about harvesting crops, animals, food chains and even a bit of dressing up!  All children were able to take part in discussions, watc...
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  • 12/10/24

    Dyslexia Awareness Week

    Monday 7th October - Friday 11th October National British Dyslexia Awareness Week  This week was National British Dyslexia Awareness Week. Mr Spencer led an assembly for the whole school. Wednesday was No Pens Day - a day focused on celebrating the power of oracy and talk within our learn...
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  • 01/10/24

    Rev Mark - assembly

    Today we welcomed the new Vicar of Dobwalls Church into school. Thank you Reverend Mark, it was great to welcome you into our Dobwalls community!  We really enjoyed singing a song and listening to the story of Zaccheus.  The children joined in with super actions!  
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  • 29/09/24

    Whole School September Sports

    On Friday 27th September, the whole school took part in Super September Sports!  The classes rotated around a variety of sports including football golf, frisbee, dodgeball and more!  Our brilliant Year 6 children showed fantastic leadership supporting the younger children - we were so prou...
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  • 27/09/24

    Loveny Class (Y2) Visit Dartmoor Zoo

    Yesterday, Loveny Class had a very rainy, but enjoyable day at Dartmoor Zoo! All children had a wonderful time exploring the zoo and taking part in our African animals workshop where we got to use our learning from our topic all about 'Going On A Safari' and 'Kenya'. Our favourite an...
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  • 23/09/24

    Sleep and screen time assembly

    On Monday 23rd September, we welcomed Nachelle from Healthy Cornwall who talked to children in Y4/5/6 about the cells within our bodies and how they respond to different amounts of sleep. They also learnt how screen time can affect our bodies and the average amount of time we spend on screens throug...
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  • 16/09/24

    Tamar Class Visit The Box, Plymouth

    Tamar Class had a great trip at The Box in Plymouth on Thursday 12th September. They took part in a WWII and Blitz workshop. They looked at real artefacts and had to become ‘detectives’ to figure out which artefacts belonged to a person from that time. They had to look for...
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  • 06/09/24

    Dobwalls Book Week

    We started the new year off with a super book week across the school. Our love of reading at Dobwalls was clear to see in every class. The teacher tale of Little Red Riding Hood gave everyone a chuckle! All classes created artwork, enjoyed reading books, learnt about authors and so much...
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  • 17/07/24

    Boys Football League and Cup Winners!

    Congratulations to the Dobwalls Primary Boys Football Team! They have won the league and the cup - absolutely fantastic!  The final took place at Burraton Primary School on Wednesday 17th July.  We are so proud of them all. Go Dobwalls!
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  • 17/07/24

    Rocksteady Concert

    Rocksteady Concert time! On Wednesday 17th July, our Rocksteady Bands took to the stage.  The full was absolutely full with parents and carers as well as the whole school.  It was a fantastic concert - huge well done to all who took part. So many SECRET skills in action...
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  • 17/07/24

    Slide Grand Opening

    The slide is now open!   On Tuesday 16th July, we officially opened the new slide. This has been installed following the fundraising by the children at our Easter Fun Run organised by our School Council.  The ribbon was but by our Lucca and Arthur. Thank you to everyone who...
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  • 17/07/24

    Toasty Tuesday for The Cornish Seal Sanctuary

    On Tuesday 16th July, we held our final fundraising event for The Cornish Seal Sanctuary.  Thank you to everyone who has supported Toast Tuesdays! We have raised a further £67 for The Cornish Seal Sanctuary.  In total over the year, we have raised a whopping £680!  W...
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