PSHE (including RHE and Sex Education)
To embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life, pupils need knowledge that will enable them to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Pupils can also put this knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives.
PSHE, Relationships and Health Education can support young people to develop resilience, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support. High quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching of this subject can help prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Relationships and Health Education can also enable schools to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, at school and in society.
The RHE programme of study has three strands
- health and wellbeing
- relationships
- living in the wider world.
Since September 2020, schools are expected to cover all three
Please see our policy below.
How do we teach PSHE, RHE and Sex Education?
We use the 1decision kite marked programme as a scaffolding to support our teaching of PSHE, RHE and Sex Education. Weekly lessons are taught from EYFS through to Year 6. These are planned within in a spiral curriculum and adapted to meet the needs of our children. There are baseline assessments for each unit in Year One and Year Four with summative assessments in Year Three and Year Six.
What are the Department for Education’s expectations for Early Years settings?
‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.’
Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, March 2021
One Decision EYFS Early Learning Goals Mapping Document
See below for documents which show coverage and progression for Years 1 to Year 6:
Y1 - Y6 One Decision Mapping Document and Modules Overview
Y1 - Y6 One Decision Progression Document
Knowledge Organisers support the teaching and emphasis on key vocabulary. These are referred to regularly in lessons.
At Dobwalls, we teach Personal Development through PSHE, RHE lessons, assemblies, our school culture, education visits, in school planned events, themed days and weeks. We have written a Personal Development Programme which details specifics. See the link below for further details.
Dobwalls Personal Development Programme
Advice for Parents/Carers:
Please find useful links below for parents/carers
RSE Primary Schools Guide for Parents
Understanding RSHE - Guide to Parents
For further information visit: Parent/Carer Zone of 1decision